Sign the petition.: download it here.
To the Honourable the President and Members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:
The Petition of the undersigned Citizens of Australia declares that, in relation to the Tamar pulp mill assessment; the risks and costs of the proposal to agriculture, tourism and recreation; the total subsidies that will be required; and the investments, health and safety of the citizens in the region; all were ignored in the truncated process. Your petitioners were effectively unrepresented by their elected ‘representatives’.
Your petitioners want a return to; the protection of transparent due process; public & industry participation and protection in planning and; equal treatment for all; and therefore request that the Senate act to delay any pulp mill until a complete and independent study of the risks and costs to other industries and communities has been conducted including the likely total costs of all subsidies and cost relief (to Australian risk assessment or federal Treasury standards); the results made public and properly debated.