January 23, 2010

JOIN the Socialist Alliance or RENEW your membership!

Socialist Alliance is a membership organisation that seeks to reach out beyond the membership of participating partners. Any individual who broadly agrees with the aims and objectives of the Alliance and agrees to participate in the non-sectarian, co-operative spirit of the Alliance is eligible to join.
Annual membership rates are:
  • $100 solidarity,
  • $60 high waged,
  • $30 waged,
  • $15 low waged/ welfare/ tertiary student and
  • $5 school student.
Membership Form
Membership forms are available to download here.

To join you need to fill in and submit a membership form with your payment.
Membership forms can be
  • Posted to: 225 Murray St, Hobart, 7000
  • Picked up or dropped off at our office: 225 Murray St, Hobart, 7000 (map)
  • Picked up or handed in at a Socialist Alliance stall.
  • Or you can request one to be posted out to you.Email us.

Join/Renew payment options

To pay for your membership or renew you can either:

  • TRANSFER: Pay via bank transfer to the SA bank account

    Acct: Socialist Alliance
    BSB: 067-002
    Acct #: 1013 3917
    Please put your name on the transfer
    Then please send an email to the Socialist Alliance when done to notify us.

  • CREDIT CARD: Ring through Credit Card details (name, card number and expiry date) and we can deduct the fee. Ring us on 03 6237 0929 with your details. Email us for more information: hobart@socialist-alliance.org.org
  • CHEQUE/MONEY ORDER: Post cheque or money order made out to "Socialist Alliance" to: 225 Murray St, Hobart, 7000.
  • OFFICE: Pay by cash, cheque, credit card or money order at the centre next time you are in. Call 03 6237 0929 if you want to come in during the week, to make sure we will be in!