July 27, 2007

Susan Austin: Forest backflip

Letters to the editor in the Hobart Mercury

Letter to the editor
The image of Rudd standing beside felled trees, refusing to protect any more of our wilderness areas that under threat and promising a $20 million support package for the forestry industry is disgusting. If he is not going to introduce policies that protect our magnificant old-growth forests then what need is there for a support package? If he was serious about preserving jobs and the environment then he would introduce major reforms to switch to sustainable forestry practices, retrain workers into conservation, eco-tourism or downstream processing jobs or use some of the money to provide compensation to workers. Instead Rudd is continuing to dress himself in policies so similar to Howard that we will soon need a magnifying glass to tell them apart. For real protection of jobs AND the environment we need to break from the hopeless two-party charade.
Susan Austin
Socialist Alliance Candidate for Denison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've hit the nail on the head there ... each party shadowing the moves of the other and bouncing the Australian voters between them. I won't play that game.