August 22, 2007

No new ambulance fees! Socialist Alliance election candidates speak out and launch community petition

A community petition has been launched today calling for more public funding to our ambulance services and opposing the introduction of fees. The petition also calls on the state government to expand the role of Patient Transport Services in providing non-urgent transport to the hospital, in order to reduce the demand on the ambulance system.

In launching the petition, Susan Austin, Socialist Alliance Candidate for Denison in the upcoming Federal elections, said “The public already pays for our ambulance service through our taxes. The ambulance service does need more funding, but this can come through better government prioritisation of spending”. “Instead of more pulp mill advertising and more football games, most members of the public would like to see our ambulance system remain free and equitable”, Austin said.

Matthew Holloway, Socialist Alliance candidate for Franklin. “We need to scrap the plan proposed in this year’s state budget as it forces people to make the choice between joining private health insurance or risking high fees for any ambulance call-out. Any user-pays scheme is a step backward for social equity, but a scheme that does not exempt low income-earners and pensioners may have deadly consequences, with people hesitating to call an ambulance for fear of not being able to afford the fees,”

The candidates feel that it is important for the public to have a voice on this issue while the state government is in the process of working out the details of their policy. “We expect the petition will gain much support, because people believe that providing emergency services to all citizens is a key governmental obligation.” Austin said.

The petition can be downloaded from the Socialist Alliance Hobart website at or the petition can be signed directly online.

Susan Austin and Matthew Holloway

Ph: 0418 643 133 Ph: 0419 582 372

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