September 16, 2007

Susan Austin -- Denison

Susan Austin

is a 29 year-old activist, occupational therapist and poet.

She first became active in Brisbane in the University of Queensland Environment Collective and the campaign to stop the Jabiluka uranium mine.

Since then, she has played a leading role in the Free East Timor campaign, the campaigns for women's rights, refugee rights and to stop the war in Iraq. In Hobart she helped to initiate the 2006 Walk Against Warming and is involved in planning for this year's climate change protest.
Susan is an active unionist and part of the Your Rights At Work campaign. She is the co-cordinator of Socialist Alliance in Hobart and writes for and distributes Green Left Weekly newspaper.

"I am standing in the upcoming federal elections because I want to see real social change. Neither of the major parties are putting forward real solutions to problems like climate change, war, economic inequality and racism. We need to kick out the Howard government once and for all, and the Labor party is definitely better than the coalition, but we desperately need to look beyond the two-party, capitalist system in order to take our society forward. Socialist Alliance is keen to work with The Greens and other progressive forces to build grass-roots campaigns that empower people to share information, discuss solutions and strategies and act on our convictions. Collectively we can change our society, just like the people in Venezuela are doing. We don't just want to get elected, we want to change the whole way that decisions get made in Australia, so that more people can have a say in the things that affect their lives. People and the planet need to come before profits!" -- Susan Austin

How you can help the Susan's campaign in Denison :

  • Volunteer to help out.

  • Join in the discussions on the Socialist Alliance campaign forums.

  • Attend one of our local campaign events. Check this site for calendar details.You can also subscribe to campaign news updates.
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