September 27, 2007

Letter to the Editor published in the Hobart Mercury: No Workchoices Lite!

There is no fairness or balance in ALP leader Kevin Rudd’s new industrial relations policy announced this week. The refusal to scrap Howard´s drastic restrictions on right of entry for union officials into worksites means that bosses have all the power in the workplace.

It means that workers who want to exercise their democratic right to call in their union over a health and safety concern, or any other issue, face intimidation and dismissal from vindictive bosses.Labor´s proposed transition period of five years for the phasing out of Australian Workplace Agreements (individual contracts) is also unacceptable.

It means five years more of workers, many who have been forced on to AWAs with the only other "choice" being the sack, being treated as virtual slaves. AWAs must be abolished immediately if the ALP wins office.

Combine this with Labor’s restrictions on the right to strike and it’s clear that Labor’s new industrial relations policy is basically a cave-in to the pressure from employer groups, and a betrayal of the interests of Australian unionists and working people.

The union movement has poured millions of members’ dollars into ALP coffers to help its re-election, and for this it has received a series of kicks in the head. Unions must campaign more strongly than ever for full workers rights and people need to look for alternatives on polling day.

Susan Austin
Socialist Alliance Candidate for Denison

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